He's cried at every single practice. I bribed him with a sucker tonight: if he made it through the game without crying and whining about not wanting to be there he could have a sucker. Mr. L has taken him to all his practices so I was unsure of what to expect.
The whining and attitude started early. He didn't want to go because he doesn't like it when the other kids take the ball away from him. Try explaining to a three year old that taking the ball away is part of the game. It's like talking to a brick wall. Very effective.
I was questioning why I thought it was a good idea to sign W up for this and then I remember: oh yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment. Yep that's me. I want my kids to be involved, active and happy, and then once I realize what I've done the regret sets in. I'm ok admitting that I regret some of my kids activities and the misery that ensues trying to make them work. I mean, really, what nut bag signs their three year old up for something like floor hockey with one year old twins at home and a husband who travels a lot for work? Yep, me.
Surprisingly it went much better than expected. We only had tears three times, one of which resulted from a foam hockey stick to the face. It was difficult to keep him focused on the task at hand towards the end but what can I expect...he's three. Instead of the promised sucker he got a special treat of a happy meal for dinner. Hopefully his improved attitude regarding floor hockey continues because I get to tackle the next one without Mr. L.
Three is such an interesting age for this kind of thing. Halfway through we were losing kids fast. W was tracing lines on the court with his hockey stick, one was making snow angel motions on the floor, and others picked their noses and just wandered around staring at the ceiling. It's almost more entertaining watching the constant state of distraction.
W is already signed up for spring soccer...why you ask? Because I just love punishment but I love my kids more.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? Here's hoping.
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