Ahhh Wednesday. Errand day. I usually like to minimize my trips to the store, so I try to do as much as I can in one day.
My plan for this lovely spring Wednesday was to start out at a dentist appointment for W, head to Target (and try to keep it reasonable!), pick up D since he had early out at noon, and then head to Costco (there's no way to keep that reasonable), and then come home for some much needed quiet time.
W's dentist appointment went great! No issues and he loves to brush his teeth! Even the babies were quiet and happy the whole time.
After the dentist we had a little time to kill and I was apparently feeling quite brave so I took the twins and W to the library. The library is within walking distance from the dentist so I thought: what a great idea! The public library has a pretty cool Chuggington train table in the children's section - downside is it's almost impossible to pry a three year old's fingers from said table and train toys when it's time to move on. W was not happy about having to walk away from the train table and his patience in general was wearing thin so we headed to checkout to blow that popsicle stand - I'd had enough.
Next up: Target. My last trip to Target resulted in the discovery of a cart I had not previously seen there. The first time I saw it I swear the heavens opened and I heard angels singing.
My typical way to make it through Target before this discovery was to put one twin in a front pack, one twin in the front of the cart and W in the back of the cart. W does not like to keep seated and we keep getting nasty looks and talking-to's from the lovely people who work there. This my friends, is the dawning of a whole new era! The twins LOVE to sit in the little seats and W gets to sit up front - which he is not crazy about, he wants to walk, and that is definitely NOT going to happen. Today I discovered that our Target apparently has more than one of these heavenly devices when I saw another mom using one. The only problem for me was that she had ONE child. ONE child in a little seat with a STUFFED DOG belted in the other one and the rest of the cart was empty. Other parents of multiples would probably back me up on this one: completely wrong use of such cart and if I were unable to find said cart when needed and saw this situation, there is the possibility that someone might be bailing me out of jail. I ran across this mom and her child later in the store, and to make it even better the child was now just walking next to this cart. Grrrr. Anyway...other than that and spending a little more than I had planned on - typical at Target - that trip was a success. No tantrums, no fits and mommy didn't go to jail.
Next we headed to D's school to wait for a half an hour to pick him up. Why so early you might ask? If you don't get there early, you park in Timbuktu and D won't know where I am parked. There is no way I am unloading three little kids to go find D. He knows where I park, and we just read books until he's out. It's just become a part of our day.
After we retrieved D we headed to our next destination: Costco. Costco has become a little bit easier to maneuver through since the twins are now old enough to both sit up front in their double seater carts. W sits in the back and D walks next to the cart. There is no way to keep it reasonable at Costco when you have four growing bottomless pits...er, boys, at home. If you listened to them you would think I never feed them...ever. All I can say is thank the good lord for Costco. I do probably 90% of my grocery shopping there and it is also where I buy diapers. Giant, giant boxes of diapers. Without Costco we might be bankrupt, and insane - from multiple trips to different stores. I usually try to hit Costco without D because it's one less kid to listen to whine about wanting and not getting something but today it couldn't be avoided. I had a strict shopping list today - and I still ended up with extra things. That is the magic of Costco.
Towards the end of the Costco trip I was getting tired, the twins were getting cranky and the older two shockingly were hungry. We finally made it home, I managed to unload the spoils of our trip, make lunch for everyone, and go to the bathroom. Yes, you heard correctly: I got to use the restroom and I was excited about it. Probably too much information for some of you out there but as a mother of four boys it is a moment of peace for me...until they discover where I am.
Sometimes I try to milk it for as long as possible; it can be the most relaxing time of the day on some days. As I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror and I swear even this uneventful errand day had aged me ten years. I'm tired. I have other chores to do but the minimum will get done on the rest of this errand day. And that's ok. They will still be there tomorrow.
I just wanted to share a snapshot of an errand day in this chaotic household. Today was pretty good. Others are not. We try to take each day at a time and tackle the adventures each one brings.
Until next time!
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