Friday, April 11, 2014


Happy Friday to my few faithful readers!

I have had three of the most unproductive and sedentary days that I can remember in the recent past.  Hubby has been gone and kids have been sucking the life force out of me each and every day.  I have a gigantic pile of laundry to fold on my bed (I keep thinking if I put it on my bed I'm less likely to ignore it - so far unsuccessful).  But like I always tend to do I have glorious plans of things I'm going to do.  I, probably not so unlike some of you out there, am not good at cleaning and keeping house.  I am good at obsessing about what I need to do and then becoming smothered by those obsessions and in the end nothing happens as a result; except my stress level soars sky high.  So I am planning on starting a step-by-step beginner's guide to cleaning that I found on another blog.  I'll let you know how it works.

I tend to be  not so good at follow through on things that I really want to do.  I used to exercise 3-4 days a week and make healthier food choices.  I've been meaning to start eating better and exercising more since about six months after the twins were born.  Still have not gotten myself back into a routine.  I made a daily checklist of what the absolute minimum is that I need to do everyday.  I made it about a week.  I still have the list and intend to take it up again - I swear!  I've been intending to take the kids out for walks - and I always seem to find an excuse to not do it.  I seem to have so many things running around my brain that I want to do that I just get overwhelmed.  I can never seem to focus and get these things accomplished.

I'm in a weird stage in my life.  I'm almost 33, stay at home with my crazy boys and feel like I have no direction or purpose.  I fully realize the importance of raising my children but I feel like I'm losing myself along the way and I have heard people say that this is what being a mother is about; but really, can't you do both?  Be a good mother and stay true to the person you really are at your core?  I'm still trying to discover how to balance these things.  Like my friend Mama J says:  you have to treat being home like a job, otherwise you'll never get anything done.  Word.

My new goal, that I fully intend on following through with, is to budget my time as well as I can for housework, quality time with kids, and time for ME!  I want to read books, I want to learn new things, I want to learn how to cook, I want to exercise, I want to do more sewing, I want to make homemade cards again, I would love to reacquaint myself with my cello!!  Maybe if I put in my mandatory hours at my "job" at home I will not feel as guilty doing things for me that I enjoy.  My plan is to get as much done in my allotted time slot and then make time for me.

I'll keep you updated on how successful I am at this.  I love making lists and charts so I guess I need to sit down and make my day-to-day plan of my blocks of time!  Anyone have any good ideas or chart templates that might be helpful with this?  I always love tips and helpful suggestions!


So to close my post for today, I want to ask what kinds of things you would like to see me write about?  I have so many ideas running around my head as usual that maybe a few suggestions from my readers would help me focus on a few topics.  Would you like to see guest posts from others?  I have very talented friends!  Some are bakers, cooks, crafters, and of course an entertaining movie reviewer (dad).  Please comment and let me know what you would like to see! Also please be sure to follow me so you can get the new posts! 


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