Monday, March 31, 2014

And so it begins....

Welcome to my crazy life.

Let me start out by telling you a little bit about myself.  I'm 32 years old, a mother to four very energetic boys, an X-ray tech when I get the chance to work outside the home (rarely) and a holder of three, count 'em, three college degrees.  How, you might ask, did I become the harried amateur domestic engineer that I am today?  Well, we moved to our current location in beautiful Montana about three years ago.  At that point we had a six month old baby and a four year old.  After about a month I got a full time job at the local hospital and we found a nanny to watch the boys at home.  The workplace was very stressful and the more I worked and the more sick people and tragedies I saw the more I wanted to be home with my boys.  It made me realize that I was missing part of my boys lives and that anything could happen at any time so I wanted to be home to enjoy them.  So after a couple of years my husband (Mr. L) and I decided I could cut back my hours, which eventually led to working PRN (just as needed for fill in).  I realized after awhile that I felt like our family was not complete, but Mr. L took a little more convincing.  He was finally convinced after almost a full year of pestering.  We were both very excited when we found out we were pregnant after about three months.  So we sucked it up, bought a new van, and took a clever pregnancy announcement picture in the new van with the boys holding pictures of the numbers 1 and 2 with the number 3 in an empty car seat (that's right ONE car seat).

We mailed these pictures out and surprised everybody.  Then we had our nine week ultrasound to date the pregnancy and we saw a baby...and then we saw a second baby!  WHAT!?! Two?

That's right, twins!  And that my friends was the end of the story, I sent in my resignation and prepared for domestication.

I never realized how hard it was to be at home until I did it.  I mean stay at home moms, get to go to the gym in the middle of the day, get massages, eat bon bons, have play dates and put their feet up right?

Insert incorrect game show answer sound here.  Now I'm lucky if the twins get out of their pajamas and I cook a real meal and we live amongst the wild colonies of dust bunnies and spider webs.  Wait, what's the definition of a real meal?

So this is my journey to learn how to function as a semi-successful domestic engineer and reacquaint myself with me, but let's be honest, some days my goal is just to get through to bed time.

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the read! I love that you are starting a blog, what a great idea. Btw, I wish I had a incorrect game show answer sound button, wouldn't that be amazing! I'd probably overuse the crap out of it :)
