Friday, June 13, 2014

The Start of Summer Vacation

Well, the first day of summer vacation has come and passed.  All the kids are still alive and fairly happy.  So far so good.  Only three more months to go.

I had told the kiddos that we were going to have a couple lazy days before I started making things more structured, so yesterday we got up, had breakfast and I let them watch some tv.  When it was nap time for the babies I let them watch a movie.  Don't judge.  I had stuff to do and I needed them quiet!

After lunch I felt brave and decided to take everyone to the local library.  It's a nice little library with a possessed train table in the kids section that apparently takes control and refuses to let them leave.  I have had quite a few run ins this this wicked little train table, so I had to try to reason with the children before they were under its spell.  I told them they had to pick out library books first and then they could answer the siren call of the trains.  

So I wandered the kids section picking out some books while the older three: D, W and F, played nicely and quietly!  This always makes me slightly nervous.  When the twins started getting restless I told the kids it was time to move on and if they left calmly and quietly we could make a stop at the park outside the library.  I had some excited kiddos on my hands but they managed to keep it in control so we got to go to the park!  We also managed to check out quite the haul of library books!

Surprisingly the twins sat nicely in their stroller and watched the older three run around and be crazy but play well with each other at the same time.  

We stayed at the park for about 20-30 minutes and when I said it was time to head home- it was getting close to the twins nap time- I was shocked when the older three came right along with me!  There was no whining, yelling or fit throwing!  Once again....very nervous.

The nice part about going to the library is the kids are excited to read the books they just got.  So when the twins took their afternoon nap it was quiet reading time for everyone else.  D and W read on their beds and F read upstairs by me where I got to sit down and read an actual book with a warm cup of coffee!  That is my happiness!  Quiet, books and coffee.

All in all the first day of summer vacation was a huge success!  I had well behaved kids who listened, I got chores done and still managed to get in some reading.   I'll take it!

Of course I stayed up too late and all the kids were up by 6:30 a.m.  H was the first of my kiddos awake and I didn't want him to wake up everyone else so I decided to try and have him lay with me for a few more minutes.  He did manage to lay quietly for a few minutes and then he started poking my eyes, sticking his fingers up my nose and slapping me, laughing the whole time.  Apparently that meant it was time to get up.

Today is a rainy, stormy summer day so we had five minutes of running the crazies out around the basement and then I read to the older kids for about 30 minutes followed by a movie.  

After lunch I hauled the babies downstairs to run free and the older kids just would not come downstairs.  So I went in search of them and discovered all three were cleaning the floors upstairs!  

Who are these children and what have they done with the real ones!?!  There weren't enough tools to clean the floors with so F used the dust mop, W got the duster and D wiped windows down.  Not sure how they got the idea but for kids they did a pretty good job!

Next up is quiet reading time.  I'll keep my fingers crossed I can get my book out again!  It's like a reset for me.

I'm not completely delusional though.  I think they're trying to lull me into a false sense of security and routine, and then -WHAM - the boredome, fighting and crazy kids that I know and love will return with a vengeance.  

But until then I'm going to enjoy this lull!

Until next time!

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